2003-05-05 @ 8:45 p.m.
more pollyanna

"Maybe I'm no angel/ but I feel as though I can fly"

* Saw bob on friday to see x2 which was neat, we usually don't hang since we yammer on aim all day.

* Beeeeeeeeeeeeeltane. Fantastic. Wore my wings.

* Beltane gushiness avec mon petit chou.

* Post-Beltane car ride with April. Saw a lot of gorgeous countryside. Got lost around my area which is something I haven't done much. Long needed semi-philosophical discussion.

* Joe's crack shack! Josh bought me my herion of choice-- alaskan snow crab legs and banana foster.

* Bif Naked playing right now. I luuuuuurve her.

* Found industrial looking boots at hot topic's website that have reasonable heel and price (http://www.hottopic.com/store/product.asp?LS=0&ITEM=148732&RN=129). Hmmm. Upon further inspection, they seem to have many cool boots significantly less expensive than I thought. Will have to take an excursion.

* Sunday did fighter practice. Getting decent.

* Actually *wanted* to hang out with mom on sunday. Took her to dinner. Saw our colin firth in what a girl wants. ::sigh::

* Sunday night bouncing on the bed. Giggling with Josh in our impromptu blanket fort (max, s'mo's, and the oven monster. Don't ask.)

* Lots of friends at work. I enjoy that.

* Went to lunch with april.

"Would you be angry if I thought of joining you?"

* I, unlike half the free world, thought x2 draaaagged and was not in love with it.

* In my desperate fleeing from my office, I got into my car and into traffic only to realize I desperately had to pee.

* Washer. Flooded. Twice.

* House is still not self cleaning.

* Day 255 and still no Narnia in my wardrobe.

* Waiting on pins and needles for thing to go through at work. How can I look fabulous with washer not working?

* Quarrel late friday with a certain boyfriend. Damned if I can remember what about now, which is prolly good. Solace: Em said that every couple she knew fought on friday before I even mentioned anything. Crap moon.

* No breakfast club last weekend. All were tired and lame.

* Casserole in fridge never seems to go away. Suspious of non-eating casserole bf.

* Have not properly bugeted this paycheck for mother's day extravaganza. Will require some creative financial structuring.

* Late on getting my car's first check up.

* "Have I lost my dreams?"

* My supatargetboots that were ten snaps finally died. They lasted two years, a good run.

* Gah! Why are so many boots from HT "an online exclusive"? How stupid is that? You can't try on your computer.

* Suspious of possible lameness for qxt exercison.

* Lagging anemia issues has made me lame the last few weeks, have not seen people much.

* If body was not so against possible bad side effects of stupid diet pills, would be taking them. Fat. Tired of being fat. Boring.

It's a great day/ to start again. - Billy Idol

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What should I be when I grow up?
Burlesque Dancer
Personal Shopper
Wedding Planner
Stepford Wife

Too Soon Known | Known Too Late

Vieux Peine
SalonCon - 2006-06-27
- - 2004-12-14
this is the song lalalala - 2004-11-30
you've got questions, I've got answers - 2004-11-10
you're everything I hoped for/ everything I worship and adore - 2004-11-05

he owns us