2003-08-11 @ 5:33 p.m.
little altars everywhere

Little Altars Everywhere

In my office, I have a little altar with goose feathers to inspire me, a green plant to remind me to breathe, a fountain that doesn�t work (which sings the story of my life) and small kitchsy souvenirs I�ve trained my execs to bring back for me.

At home, there�s my Eris altar, on the top of the bookshelf so she can �accidently� make books fall off as she pleases and a painting of her I did for Beltane. She already flung her chalice off the top of the bookshelf with gusto, so we�re in process to get her a new one soonish. Most likely to break again at will.

We have on our windowsill an altar to the fairies (who *will* get pissy and hide anything I may need should *they* feel neglected). The top half of a pretty purple glass margarita glass filled with lavender, feathers, bells, and stones from the fairy mabon from last year. A fairy incense holder. Sparkly fairy candles. And other assorted things that come and go as they throw them around with zeal.

In my kitchen, is my altar to Durga. She is the quietest of the house god/desses and has a brass statue with her necklace, a picture of her, and her pooja stuff (a little glass for offerings, an incense holder, and a clay bowl for her fire). We added an ivy plant to her space as well which she seems to enjoy.

In our bedroom, I have a little nook by the window for my altar stuff. I�ve hung teal blue tulle for curtains that I tie back with blue beads that I can pull out if I want privacy. On the left inside the nook is Yemaya�s altar (made from a rubbermaid drawer�I keep the altar supplies in the drawer and the altar on top) draped in a hand batiked fabric of an african village Hill got me with her seven white candles on top with shells and other sea things strewn around it. There�s a cobalt blue bottle with my rosary (made from real pressed roses from the Vatican) coming out of it. There�s a silver offering bowl in the center and a cobalt blue chalice as well. Next to her altar is my drum where the doll I made of her sits on top with my curved atheme around the bottom of it. Above the altar is a mobile that a boyfriend of my sister�s got her from the Africa part of Epicot but she immediately gave it to me as she felt it was something I would like. On the wall are small African prints.

On the right of my nook is my altar to Raven. It made out of the same kind of drawer Yemaya�s altar is made from (and enough room between the two for a cushion for me to sit with them) and covered with black satin that I made glittery. There�s a piece of dried catus that I draped with shiny things and a picture of the ravens that hang out at stonehenge that I took when I was there. There�s a bowl full of shiny odds and ends along with a saucer for offerings and the painting I did for him.

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