2003-05-06 @ 3:01 p.m.
still more pollyanna

�And there�s so much I could do for you/ now my world is opened up to you/ let it fly/ and I say/ Welcome/ to my life�

* I got promoted!!!!!

* Money cash hoes. I�m getting a bit more money and a job title change. I�ll be Executive Assistant/ Project Cooridnator for a few senior VPs. (Bob: Will you buy me a ferrari now that you make the big bucks? Now you can buy that elephant you always wanted :)

* I got so many genuine well wishes from my coworkers, it was so wonderful (must not get teary eyed at work must not get teary eyed at work)

* JoAnn, who I had been supporting, who�s an awesome flinty kind of woman (and one of the senior VPs I�ll be supporting) gave me massive warm fuzzies and she was one of the ppl pushing for my promotion and wants to have lunch with me when she comes up here (she�s based out of NC) and that is a big deal.

* Josh will be cleaning the house on Wednesday

* Got up all my beltane pictures and got them posted. Ed�s gonna be making putting a link from the album to the GoG site which is cool.

* Got a gorgeous pic of me and josh that I adore (it�s in my journal), I played with the lighting and it looks all fae and shit. It�s our computer�s wallpaper.

* My tummy is full of sushi because the grrrls at work took me out to celebrate

* Tonight there will be more celebrating with Josh ;p

* I will only be supporting 5 people (at my high point [or low, depending on whose opinion] I supported 18).

* No more evil Annie!

* I got opera length black velvet gloves for ten snaps (including shipping!)

* Just so many sincere warm fuzzies, some from ppl I didn�t even expect. It�s so wonderful feeling.

* New pay scale starts *now* and I get bumped into a higher incentive bracket!

�All I ever wanted but I�m terrified/ in my head/ in my veins/ in my world.�

* I will miss my team, but the whole company�s structure is being changed when we move so it would be the same anyway.

* Upper management is almost always all demons wearing human skin, so I�m a little nervous

* Only supporting five people? What will I *do* all day (I know that that will bite me in the ass, but it�s what I�m wondering right now)

* Been *such* a bad bunny buying shiny new things when I am close to being out of debt.

* Plans for mother�s day blowout remain nebulous

Besides going to qxt�s to drink our asses off so we can make m-day a bigger blur, come to celebrate my new position with me!

Goddess Dollies Logo

What should I be when I grow up?
Burlesque Dancer
Personal Shopper
Wedding Planner
Stepford Wife

Too Soon Known | Known Too Late

Vieux Peine
SalonCon - 2006-06-27
- - 2004-12-14
this is the song lalalala - 2004-11-30
you've got questions, I've got answers - 2004-11-10
you're everything I hoped for/ everything I worship and adore - 2004-11-05

he owns us